
Bathtub drains sometimes clog. Residential plumbing is small scale and the problems are often easy to find and fix without the need of a plumber. The steps below to unclog bathtub drain are progressive and should fix most bathtub drain clogs. Maintenance and these steps can make anyone a home plumber.

Supplies You Will Need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Wire coat hanger (it will get destroyed)
  • Packing/Shipping tape
  • Hair dryer (optional)
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Rag
  • Toilet plunger
  • Drain snake

Step One

The drain cover can be removed using a screwdriver. Remove any hair and clean off the cover. Test the drain using hot tap water. Boiling water can damage the sealants used in residential plumbing. Regular drain cleaning with a product purchased at your local hardware store can prevent clogs like this. If the tub has a pre-installed drain stopper it should be carefully removed with a wrench taking care not to damage the mechanism or the area of the tub surrounding it.

Step Two

Straighten a wire hanger making the existing hook into a smaller hook. Feed this into the drain, the hook will snag clots of hair and other debris. Test again.

Step Three

Cut a long piece of packing tape and wrap it around the hanger, starting after the hook you made, so that the sticky side is outside. This works best on a dry drain; use a hair dryer to speed up the process. The tape will grab loose hairs that the hook might not. Test the drain.

Step Four

In a large measuring cup mix equal amounts vinegar in baking soda and quickly pour it in the drain. Wait a few minutes before testing.

Step Five

Stuff a rag into the drainage hole (usually located under the faucet) to create a vacuum and plunge using a toilet plunger to reach deeper clogs.

Step Six

Use a manual or electric drain snake from the hardware store to get further into the drain and reach blockage that still exists.


A tub that is still clogged after taking these progressive steps needs an expert in residential plumbing who can correctly diagnose and fix the clog.

Regular drain cleaning with a commercial product from the hardware store or vinegar and baking soda can help prevent clogged bathtub drains. Another cheap option is to buy a trap for the drain that prevents hair from going into the drain – this should be emptied regularly. Simple maintenance will keep calls to the local home plumber to a minimum.