
Iron pipe was the primary pipe installation choice for water heaters and furnaces in the United States for decades. Iron piping, however, caused gas explosion deaths to rise. This led associations like the American Gas Association (AGA) and the Gas Research Institute (GRI) to adopt an alternative gas piping solution. Researchers examined Japan’s use of corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) to replace iron gas piping. The iron gas piping was causing injuries, deaths, and tremendous structural damage. Overall, CSST offers a safer, cheaper, and easier solution. It is now the standard in residential plumbing and the pipe solution.

Iron Pipe Disadvantages

  • Frequent leaking at multiple joints
  • According to The National Fire Protection Association, rigid pipe joints are a leading cause of gas leaks, fires and explosions. Leaking joints can cause a buildup of fuel gas, resulting in an explosion. If you ignite an open flame or pilot light, leaking gas can cause a fire or explosion.
  • Iron pipe is not listed to any national standards for gas piping
  • Pipe dope deteriorates over time
  • Leaks are exposed to lightning strikes
  • No quality control. Most iron pipe is made in Asia
  • Breakage during earthquakes and other natural disasters leading to deaths and damage


Iron Pipe Financial Impact


  • Due to iron pipe being inflexible, there are additional costs for equipment and tools to cut, thread and install
  • Environmental regulations require plumbers to store and dispense cutting oil in compliance
  • Additional human resources also contribute to additional customer cost. Workers moving iron pipe lead to higher workers’ compensation claims and coverage costs to companies.
  • Employees must go through training to learn old practices of iron pipe installation and water leak checking. This requires more time, resulting in higher costs to the customer.

The American National Standards Institute published the first corrugated stainless steel piping product standards twenty years ago. Since then, over 750 million feet of CSST has been installed in over five million homes in the United States. This makes it the most reliable, safe, cost effective plumbing solution for residential piping in the country.

CSST Advantages:

  • Flexible and continuous lengths without joints reduce water leaking and damage
  • Easy to assemble fittings do not require complex tools, reducing costs to plumbers and customers
  • You can use hand tools reliable leak tight results to reduce cost in maintenance, equipment, home damage and emergency repairs
  • Pulls easily around fixtures and obstacles requiring less time
  • Protects against indirect lightening strikes when bonded according to manufacturer’s recommendations; and local codes
  • All CSST sold and made in the United States ensuring products are quality testing

Need Your Pipe Solution?

With CSST installed in over five million homes, it is ultimately the safest, cost effective piping solution. Mike Wilson Plumbing is your residential plumbing expert in Richmond and Chesterfield. Contact us today at www.mikewilsonplumbing.com or by phone at (804) 641-6570.