
This answer can depend on many factors including your health and the health of your family. Knowing basic facts before testing your water can be very helpful.

Problems such as illness, taste, color, odor, staining of clothes or fixtures can be signs of possible water quality problems. Other factors that affect the quality of your water include how close your well is to septic systems and the materials used in your plumbing materials.

If you suspect lead being used in your plumbing materials or water service lines, you should get your water tested. This is regardless if you use public water systems or a private well. Most water systems test for lead as a normal part of water monitoring. This provides results for the overall system, but does not provide results for a specific household faucet.

If you want to know if your household has dangerous levels of lead, testing is the only way to know if lead is present or absent. Some faucet and pitcher filters are able to remove lead from water faucets and supplies, but only ones certified from NSF International are actually able to remove lead.

How Frequently Should Do Water Tested?

Test every year especially if you have new well or replaced or repaired pipes, pumps, or the well casing.

Do you have taste, odor or stain issues?

Test for sulfate, chloride, iron, manganese, hardness and corrosion, for every three years.

Have you experienced a chemical spill, fuel leak or any other disaster near your water supply?

Test your well for chemicals, although expensive, they are needed. Hold off and only test when specific to your situation. Local experts can tell you about impurities and compounds found in your area.

Who can test my water?

Local health departments can usually test for nitrates and bacteria. You can send water tests to a state certified laboratory for private testing. You can find one in your local area by calling the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. If you suspect your plumbing is using lead pipes, and you are looking to replace your piping, call Mike Wilson Plumbing at 804-641-6570 to ensure your family’s drinking water is safe.