
It is important for homeowners and business owners to understands not only the benefits of PEX, but the differences in methods, fittings and tools. Knowing this information, can help save time and money when it comes to picking a certified, experienced residential and commercial plumber. Mike Wilson Plumbing throughly understands the methods and complexity of PEX plumbing. Let us answer your questions below with this article, PEX Methods, Fittings & Tools, and become your number one plumbing authority for information! Call us at (804) 641-6570 for all your plumbing needs today.

PEX Connection Methods

Standard Connection Method

The most commonly used method for connecting PEX pipe to brass PEX fitting uses a copper crimp ring and a PEX crimping tool. The experienced plumber uses a copper crimp ring, which is inserted over the pipe, and the fitting is inserted into the inside of the pipe. The copper ring is crimped over the pipe and fitting using the PEX crimping tool. Tools, crimp rings, and fittings are available from several plumbing suppliers, which Mike Wilson Plumbing has existing relationships with and currently utilizes. Information regarding testing standards for this method can be found at http://www.pexinfo.com/astm-standards.htm

Expansion Fitting Method

This message uses an expansion tool to increase the diameter of the PEX tube. The special expansion fittings are inserted into the tube, which has been expanded, which shrinks back into shape around the fitting. A plastic ring is pressed over the fitting to ensure a tight connection. This method has only been developed by one company and is proprietary and is only available by this one company. Due to the proprietary issues, the cost of this solution is high.

SSC Method

The stainless steel clamp method utilizes special clamps designed specifically for PEX connection. The fittings used are the same used in the Standard Connection Method, but instead in this method the clamp fastens to the fitting. A special stainless steel clamp tool is used to tighten the clamp around the tube and fitting.

Compression Method

Compression fittings can be used for moderate to large sized jobs and are more expensive than using the Standard Connection Method. This is due to the compression fittings costing more than PEX fittings.

PEX Fittings

Most PEX fittings are made of brass, although some vendors offer bronze, copper or engineered plastic fittings for PEX. The characteristic ridges on the “insert” of the fitting distinguish a PEX fitting from other fittings. PEX tube and the crimped copper ring all work together to form a high-pressure seal, making PEX a higher quality product over other tubing methods.

PEX Tools

To use and work with PEX tubing using the standard method, Mike Wilson Plumbing uses three basic tools: the main crimping tool, a pip cutler, and a de-crimping tool.

The pipe cutter is used to ensure a clean, square cut is made into the tubing into the fitting.

A de-crimping tool is designed to remove the copper crimp ring from the tube and fitting. The tool works by cutting the copper ring. This is a benefit because the fittings can be easily re-used.

Have A Question About PEX Methods, Fittings & Tools?

If you have questions regarding PEX piping in your home, call Mike Wilson Plumbing today at (804) 641-6570 or visit www.mikewilsonplumbing.com.