
During recent years, innovations in plumbing have brought about not only better methods, but also more effective tools. In this blog, we’ll dive into plumbing improvements that can make your life easier and safer as a homeowner.

One of the biggest changes in the plumbing industry is that professionals now tend to avoid soldering and instead focus on using the ProPress tool and making PEX crimp connections.

However, before we look at the benefits of the ProPress tool and crimping, let’s talk about what this even entails.

According to Legendary Home Services, “ProPress is a system connection for copper pipes” and the fittings have “O-ring inserts at the ends of the fittings that will be tightened securely to the pipe when it is pressed on by the ProPress tool.” You can find ProPress fittings at various places even though the trade name is used by Viega.

The pros of this method over soldering include…


It’s safer to conduct  

Unlike soldering, using the ProPress tool for waterline pipes doesn’t emit noxious fumes, which can negatively affect one’s health.

Also, it doesn’t involve any flame, so there isn’t any risk of starting a fire and damaging the home or building.

Lastly, because the design of ProPress is simpler, there is less mess when the job is done and no leftover materials from soldering equipment.  


The process is more advanced

Not only is this method safer, it’s also more advanced for severals reasons. According to NIBCO:

  • Hydraulic press tools “crimp” joints in copper tubes with press fittings and valves. The result is a permanent, leak-free seal in just seconds.
  • The need for gas tanks and fire extinguishers is eliminated.
  • High skills or tenured labor pool is not required.
  • Installs wet or dry – no system down time.
  • Allows for dry-fit system – assemble before crimping.

So crimping pipes is a more innovative than traditional soldering, which brings us to our next point…


You’ll save time and money

As opposed to soldering, getting the pipe ready and connecting the joint can be completed within 30 seconds.

Also, if you’re using the PEX supply pipe, you’ll save money because this material is cheaper than copper, faster to install, and doesn’t corrode. In fact, The Family Handyman states that it’s the “biggest revolution in plumbing since the flush toilet” and it can be used with crimp rings and cinch clamps.

Thus, the ProPress tool and crimping PEX supply pipes to connect them is safer, faster, and more simple.


If any of this information was confusing or intimidating, reach out to us today! We’re experts in the field, so we’ll make sure all of your plumbing is up-to-date with the newest advances in the industry.