
With college tuition rising and most students going into thousands of dollars of debt just to get a degree that doesn’t land a well-paying, relevant career afterwards, many people are wondering whether going to a four-year university is even worth it.

Many young adults are taking alternative routes now to simply avoid debt and the struggle of competing against everyone else with their Masters. One career that leads to many opportunities and you can enter without the absurd price and hassle of a four-year college is plumbing.


Requirements to become a plumber

According to Career School Now, you must meet the following criteria to enter the field: 

  • Being 18 or older
  • High school Diploma or GED
  • Passing a basic math test and drug test
  • General knowledge of computers
  • Training at either trade school or community college
  • Apprenticeship of 2-5 years
  • Plumbing license specific to your state

Now you’re thinking, “Hold on, wait. That’s a lot of hoops to jump through.” However, when you compare this with everything four-year universities entail like dozens of classes, multiple unpaid internships, and many tests to pass, it’s still saving you a lot of time and trouble.


Plumbing apprenticeship

In fact, you’ll be actually be making money during the apprenticeship rather than having to pay money. E Plumbing Courses states that the average plumbing apprentice is making around $13,000 to $25,000. This doesn’t seem like much, but again if you compare this to spending thousands of dollars, it’s a great alternative.

Also, master plumbers who have acquired a lot of experience and clients can make as much as $200,000 down the road.

The plumbing apprenticeship itself entails working with a licensed plumber as he or she completes their daily work. This plumber will teach the apprentice valuable skills, and the apprentice gets to learn all the ins and outs of this industry in natural, hands-on setting.


Getting a plumbing license

Once you’ve completed your apprenticeship and assuming you’ve met the high school diploma, training, and drug test requirements, it’s time to get the plumbing license specific for your state.

Working as a plumber without getting licensed is extremely risky for several reasons including:

  • Your clients won’t be protected by insurances
  • Houses can be severely damaged
  • Lives can be put in danger

Other perks of plumbing

We’ve touched on the financial and training aspects of becoming a plumber, but now it’s time to highlight the opportunities and benefits this career provides.

As a plumber, you can start your own business, work directly with clients, and serve your community. Simply fixing people’s problems and building relationships is rewarding.

Also, working in this field can open doors to learning more about engineering, construction, and product management. Be sure to stretch yourself and make connections though.

If you’d like more information about what a plumber career is like, don’t hesitate to reach out! Mike Wilson is a master plumber, so he has extensive knowledge on the topic.